To use a credit card or e-check, choose one-time gift or monthly above.
Keep scrolling to donate by Venmo, check, stock, even your old car; or how to have your gift matched by your employer.
Keep scrolling to donate by Venmo, check, stock, even your old car; or how to have your gift matched by your employer.
Donations to WCEF offset budget cuts, secure programs and salaries, and enhance education for all.
To reach our goal of $1.3 million, we ask all families to donate $600 per student ($50 month). If you are able, consider an additional $200 per student to offset additional expenses related to COVID-19 like technology and educational platforms.
We know family budgets vary; please give what you can.
To reach our goal of $1.3 million, we ask all families to donate $600 per student ($50 month). If you are able, consider an additional $200 per student to offset additional expenses related to COVID-19 like technology and educational platforms.
We know family budgets vary; please give what you can.